This program aims at improving the safety and security of individual WHRDs and their organizations,increasing the capacity of WHRDs to detect, mitigate and respond appropriately to issues that undermine the safety and work of WHRDs. WHRDs in Uganda face adverse conditions to carry out their work given the context and history of neoliberal and patriarchal violence they continuously face.
There rights defense work and resistance to oppressive systems generates trauma, impacts their Overall health and makes them vulnerable to burn out, greater harm and puts the continuity of their defense work at risk. Thus in addition, the program, aims at increaing the personal and collective capacity of self-care with a focus on the well-being of WHRDs, attention to and healing of wounds and traumas caused by violence and stress, and the sustainability of social movements. We believe that self-care and collective healing need to be considered as a key dimension of WHRD’s right to a full and satisfactory life, in their activism, and daily realities and as crucial tools within the FHP approach.